Friday, April 3, 2020

Reading Comprenhension 
2nd  Didactic Situation

Hello dear students. In this activity You are going to answer the questions by reading each part of the test and choosing the key words in the main clauses but also in the option as it appears as an example.

Goal: To solve language problems related with communicative situations and linguistic matters applying Reading strategies.
Objetivo: Solucionar problemas relacionados con situaciones comunicativas aplicando estartegias de comprensión lectora.


  1. hola profe como esta, una pregunta las actividades que son de prueba saber como se responden y la segunda actividad es del libro que compramos en clases.

    1. Hello. I.m good. You may answer the test using "word office" and then, you send it to me. See you. Take care

  2. Is interesting.(Mr. Carvajal) 10-3

  3. Thanks Mr. Carvajal. Did you already do it?. Take care buddy.

  4. Hi teacher, where do I send the answers of this homework?

  5. to my e.mail.

  6. Hello teacher, i'm Cristian Alvarado from 10-4,am reading this.

  7. Hi, teacher! This blog seems to me a very useful and practical tool for an interactive learning of this language. I hope we can take the maximum advantage of this virtual channel and, also, it may improve our English skills.
    By: Laura Hernandez Ordoñez. 10-4

  8. Thank you for your comment Laura. We will duscuss about the next classes. I apprecciate your words.

  9. Hola profe!! Esto es interesante
    De: Julia Chirinos 10-4

  10. Que bien poder retomar el tema que estábamos viendo para seguir en práctica
    De:Michelle Valencia Ortiz 10-4

  11. Hola profe
    Gabriel Isaac Infante Navas 10-4

  12. Hello teacher, I'm Juan Daniel Ramírez from ten four ,I'm reading this ,and I find it interesting

  13. hello teacher this is interesting how we can catch up with the class again Jaime Andres Rosales Martinez 10-4

  14. Hello teacher, I find this platform very interesting despite all this that we are experiencing with this pandemic that we catch up with the Virtual classes that we understand that we learn to help each other and know that with the help of God in a few months we are going to be back at school.

    Nicoll Zuñiga Loboa 10-4

  15. Hello teacher very good activity so
    we can reinforce what we had seen in the classroom
    Dahian liceth villada 10-4

  16. Muy interesante el contenido que nos ofrece el blog espero que esta situación pase pronto y por ahora tratar de aprovechar estas clases virtuales al máximo y que esto nos ayude a mejorar nuestras habilidades en inglés gracias
    de: Carlos Vanegas 10-4

  17. Hello teacher . I’m Sharick Mabeth From 10-4, I find these readings interesting and the document interesting because they are of great importance

  18. Hola profe es una buena estrategia el tener este blog pues tenemos acceso a la información y no nos estancamos en el proceso de aprendizaje pues sabemos que el inglés es una idioma fundamental para el desarrollo del ámbito laboral . Pese a la situación que hay en estos momentos no debemos dejar de prepararnos para nuestro futuro el cual no dictamina las condiciones sino la persona que desea llegar a su proposito
    Luisa María Valencia Rojas 10-4

  19. Hi teacher, I think it's a good idea to work this way

  20. teacher I think the activities are very good for our development in English
    I am Juan Diego Herran 10-2

  21. Hi teacher i think the activite are good to be able to continue studying from our homes.
    It's good to be able study this way.
    Valentina Figueroa Andrade 10-2

  22. This blog is excellent
    Daniela Hurtado. 10-2

  23. This blog is excellent
    Daniela Hurtado. 10-2

  24. Hello teacher very good, excellent blog.
    Daniel Taquinas. 10-2

  25. ICFE questions are a good exercise to learn GERALDIN CABRERA 10-2

  26. Hi teacher i think the activite are good to be able to continue studying from our homes
    This blog is excellent.
    Juan David ospina 10-2

  27. I have a recommendation which is that some images look very bad and cannot be seen very well, the rest is very interesting.
    Juan Eduardo Sanipatin Muñoz 10-2

  28. It is great, because we can continue studying from home, but advice to the next scan the images for better quality. Morales Perea Jose Manuel 10-2 :)
