Friday, April 3, 2020

Reading Comprenhension 
2nd  Didactic Situation

Hello dear students. In this activity You are going to answer the questions by reading each part of the test and choosing the key words in the main clauses but also in the option as it appears as an example.

Goal: To solve language problems related with communicative situations and linguistic matters applying Reading strategies.
Objetivo: Solucionar problemas relacionados con situaciones comunicativas aplicando estartegias de comprensión lectora.

Reading Comprenhension
1st  Didactic Situation

Before Reading
1. Read the tittle. What is Counterclockwise?
2. Is this a compoundword? Why?
3. See the picture. What can you see in it? Describe it.
4. Read the vocabulary preview and try to learn the meaning of the words by heart.

To check 
To extend
To improve
In order to
It will be a while
To realize

Reading is an activity which involves the interaction of three basic actors: the author of the text, the reader and the text itself. As language teachers, we have to take into account different didactic elements or situations to develop in students’ learning some ways or strategies to comprehend what they read. We need to focus that Reading is not just decoding author’s words but also reconstruct the meaning of his/her speech. It’s like a have a conversation with the author and try to get all the clues given in the text. This diagram shows some useful strategies for you dear teacher, student and reader to improve the way you read a text, Keep always in mind, Reading is comprehend.

Enjoy it!

Reading Comprehension Strategies
By: Oscar Mena Galvan
English Teacher
Ø  Identify and apply reading strategies to improve his/her comprehension. 

Ø  Identificar  y aplicar estrategias de lectura que le permitirán mejorar la comprensión de diferentes textos.